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2024 In Review


As 2024 wraps up, let's take a look back at how the year has went for the team.

It has been an eventful year, with the team making big leaps forwards in being organised both in-game and out of game. We've traveled, added new members, changed up how we do some things, and, we feel, ended the year in a better place than where we began it in!

New Members!

Royal Huntsman Team member
One of our new members, Taylor

Before 2024, the last new member to join came to us in 2022. In 2024, we opened our recruitment up with a video announcement, and with a dedicated section of the website, in a concerted effort to attract likeminded airsofters to the team.

It was a great success, with fully 4 new members joining us in 2024! We welcomed Nicky, Taylor, JP, and Alex to the team.


Operation Sireeen briefing

The Team really stepped up our Milsim effort this year, attending two.

Our first Milsim of the year was Land Warrior Airsoft's Operation Juno on the 4th of August, followed by Dirty Dog's Operation Sireeeen on the 17th of August.

We created a video and wrote an article about our day at Sireeen, showcasing how we organised ourselves into two fireteams and employed tactics successfully to be a vital part of our side's offensive potential. Sireeen was a great morale boost for the team, as it showed all our efforts this year in learning and practicing tactics and coordination were paying off.


A Training Day in September

The Team ended 2023 conducting a training programme that took place on lunch breaks inbetween games, with whoever was on site that day. It proved to be limited in many ways: knowledge was uneven, time constraints made learning shallow, and organisation was poor.

For 2024, we changed things. We moved to dedicated training days, chosen for maximum attendance, and for a full morning would train and rehearse our syllabus, then join in Section 8's site games for the afternoon. With up to 5 hours available at a time, this allowed for far more comprehensive training to happen, resulting in the learning bedding down in people's minds better, and with better attendance the Team's overall capabilities improved leaps and bounds, as everyone was on the same page with their knowledge.


Cloudy Renders

The Team's media efforts also took a step up in 2024. Our YouTube channel has grown from around 500 subscribers to over 1,300! In this time we've created 25 videos and 16 Shorts, while our Instagram has grown by over 70 posts!

We welcomed Cloudy Renders into the Team as our photographer, videographer, and all-round media specialist! She's taken our videos up a notch, both in quality and quantity.

We renewed the website, moving it from GoDaddy to Wix, giving it a sharper, more modern look, and giving us many more customisation options behind the scenes!

The website has grown a lot, and has found a permanent home amongst our online presence. The calendar has proven invaluable for members and recruits alike, the blog has proven itself a great place to talk about how we tackle important games or to discuss important topics, and as a recruitment tool it has attracted a lot of interest.

Onwards to 2025!

The Team, including some of our new members! JP (back left), Alex (back row, third from right), and Taylor (front row, second from left).

We're keen to get started on 2025 and hope to build on what made 2024 great. We'll keep up the team training, we'll use our coordination and skills to great effect on Sunday Skirmishes and on more Milsims, we'll keep looking out for great new additions to the team, and we'll make more tactical gameplay videos, articles, and social media content throughout the year. See you on the field!

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