We are all individual players, and the smallest unit is a unit of one. We train to be effective players, even if alone, to make ourselves as survivable as possible.
Only by staying in the fight can you help bring your side the win.
Knowing how you contribute to a wider effort is the key to an effective team. We train together to ensure everyone knows the tactics, everyone knows where they need to be, and everyone understands how we tackle everything from attacking forwards to static defence.
Our squad is structured into fire teams and pairs, with leadership at squad, fire team, and pair levels. This creates a flexible but cohesive team that can work towards the same objectives using more complex tactics and approaches.
The Team holds training days, at least once every quarter, where we take a half-day at our home site, Section 8, to train together as a unit.
This brings the team together to learn and rehearse our chosen tactics. Everyone knowing the tactics in both theory and practice is critical: it's easy to forget what to do when the BBs are flying, so regular training and rehearsing removes the conscious component and makes employing these tactics automatic during gameplay.
Our tactics are derived from military small unit tactics, adapted to airsoft gameplay. Airsoft differs from "real steel" in a great many aspects, meaning the tactics employed have to differ as well.
Military tactics provide a solid foundation, however, and once adapted to take into account the differences presented by airosfting can be extremely effective ingame.
We train hard on these adapted tactics in order to be an aggressive and cohesive unit for our side.
The team in action in August 2024, at Dirty Dog's milsim event Operation Sireeen. Working as a squad of two fireteams, we were an effective part of our wider team, completing missions throughout the day to bring our side the win.
We were our side's opening offensive punch, launching an aggressive uphill assault to establish a key foothold on high ground, allowing our team to reinforce us and ultimately push the enemy team out of the hills entirely. We show how having two coordinated fireteams allows enemy positions to be quickly and effectively assaulted, how fire and manoeuvre can be used to clear out enemy positions, and how to dismantle an enemy high ground position with methodical and timed pushes.
You can read more about the tactics we used here.
The team in action in February 2024, at Section 8 Airsoft. Our mission was to overrun the VIP's mercenary guard force, capture him, and move him to a secure location.
We use a pinning and flanking attack on the guard force, launch a spoiling attack against the other team's attempt to set up to attack the VIP, withdraw in an orderly fashion while under enemy fire, assault a fortified position, and an use an aggressive defence of that position afterwards to prevent the enemy building up momentum.
You can also read a write-up about how we applied tactical thinking to the game mode here.
The team in action in October 2024, at Section 8. Our mission was to capture 3 control points, hold them for 5 minutes each, then move our flag from our spawn base to the victory hill.
Here we showcase how coordinated fireteams can secure the field's centre ground to hold control point 1, how to conduct an orderly withdrawal after a failed attempt to push forwards, how to advance as a fireteam on the enemy's weaker flank to push them off the next control point, and finally how to use a peeling manoeuvre to pin the enemy in place while moving yourself away from their own attempt to prevent us from moving our flag to the victory hill.